A year ago, an Indy music venue took a chance on two queens and a dream. Carrie Keel, along with Mary Fagdalane and Auntie Christ, started a show for queens that stood out for their weirdness. These queens didn’t like to play by the rules that others had set before them and marched to their own drummer. Flash forward a year and their show is a huge success. We sat down with creator Carrie Keel and Auntie Christ to hear how it all went down. Sometimes finding your niche is not easy. maybe through their experiences we can learn to stop searching and start creating out place.

*UPDATE Jan. 20, 2019* Auntie Christ past away since the episode posted. As a tribute to what she worked so hard to build, Low Pone has continued to grow and build their audience. We will miss you Auntie. You took a piece of our hearts with you.